Saturday, April 23, 2011

Diamond Terms

Speaking the jeweler’s language:
BLEMISH: A blemish on the exoteric of a diamond, such as a scratch, abrasion, nick or chip.
BLUE-WHITE: Refers to a design that glows (flouresces) dejected beneath ultraviolet light.
BRILLIANCE: White ablaze reflected aback from a diamond.
BRILLIANT: A annular design with 58 facets.
CARAT: A assemblage of weight, according to 200 milligrams. In age-old times one carat was according to one carob bean or four grains of rice.
CARBON: The raw actual of which chunk are made. Occasionally a design will accommodate tiny pockets of carbon which can be apparent as atramentous spots aural the stone.
CLOUD: A array of baby inclusions, or centralized flaws, aural a diamond.
CROWN: The top of a diamond. Aggregate aloft the girdle.
CULET: The basal angle of a diamond, usually actual small.
DISPERSION: Black ablaze reflected from aural a diamond; additionally alleged fire.
EYE-CLEAN: Refers to a design that has no inclusions or blemishes arresting to the naked eye.
FACET: A able apparent on a diamond. A round, full-cut design usually has 58 facets.
FLUORESCENCE: A diamond’s acknowledgment to ultraviolet (UV) light, causing the bean to afterglow in assorted colors.
FULL-CUT: A design with 58 or added facets.
GEMOLOGIST: A actuality who has been accomplished and accepted in chunk and black stones.
GIA: Gemological Institute of America, an independent, non-profit alignment which sets and upholds standards for allocation chunk and added adored stones.
GIRDLE: The narrow, unpolished bandage about the widest allotment of the diamond; the girdle separates the acme and the pavilion of the stone.
HEAD: The prongs which authority a design in its setting.
INCLUSION: A blemish aural a diamond, such as carbon spots or fractures.
KARAT: The admeasurement of the abstention of gold; 24-karat actuality authentic gold. Jewelry is fabricated from 18K and 14K gold, which accommodate added metals for strength.
LASER-DRILLED: A design that has been advised with a laser to abolish carbon spots.
LOUPE: A baby accumulative bottle acclimated to appearance gemstones
OFF-MAKE: A ailing ample diamond.
PAVÉ: A adjustment of ambience chunk actual carefully together, giving the apparition of one or added beyond diamonds.
PAVILION: The basal of a diamond; aggregate beneath the diamond’s girdle.
POINT: One-hundredth of a carat. A design belief one-and-a-half carats weighs 150 points.
SEMI-MOUNT: A ambience which is complete except for the capital stone, which will be called separately.
SINGLE-CUT: A design with alone 16 or 17 facets.
SPARKLE: The activity of the ablaze absorption from a diamond; the sum of the accuracy and the blaze (dispersion).
TIFFANY: A simple, affected 2-3mm arena ambience with a arch that holds a distinct diamond.
by Fred Cuellar, columnist of the acknowledged book “How to Buy a Diamond.” Added questions?

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