Saturday, November 13, 2010

Richard Russell - All Fiat Currencies Will Fail

With gold near record highs, in his latest commentary, the Godfather of newsletter writers Richard Russell stated, “It's obvious that Bernanke with the help of QE2 wants to drive longer-term interest rates down and at the same time push asset prices (particularly stocks and real estate) higher. Because of the sheer size of Bernanke's new spate of money-creation, some analysts are describing QE2 as "a whole new ball game."
November 11, 2010

KWN Blog


Russell continues:

“Over the coming eight months the Fed will buy $600 billion of US Treasuries, but that's not all. The Fed will also buy up to $300 billion of agency debt which will be coming due. That means that roughly $900 billion of new money will be entered into the system, all of this new money created via computers and out of thin air.

So the question I'm asking myself is this: Will Bernanke (in the face of international criticism) back down on his strategy of defeating the forces of deflation by printing money?

My immediate answer to this question is that Bernanke will NOT back down. Bernanke is a true, dyed-in-the-wool Keynesian, and he's already apologized on the part of the Fed for allowing the money supply to shrink during the Great Depression of the 1930s.

To back down now would mean that Bernanke, in effect, was conceding that his whole strategy of quantitative easing has been misguided. To back down now, would mean that Bernanke was giving in to the forces of deflation. I can't see that happening. I think Bernanke would quit his chairmanship at the Fed before he gave in to the discipline of Austrian economics.

The second question I have been thinking about is whether fiat currencies, and I mean all of them, are going to survive? As subscribers know, I believe currencies created by government fiat are a fraud, and that they are both illogical and immoral. I believe that ultimately, fiat currencies, all of them, are doomed. Every fiat currency in history has died, and today's fiat currencies will be no different.”

To subscribe to Richard Russell’s Dow Theory Letters CLICK HERE.
Richard Russell is correct, in the end all fiat money dies. 

Eric King

James Turk: Kamikaze attacks in the silver market

2:45p ET Friday, November 12, 2010
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
Interviewed by King World News, GoldMoney founder and GATA consultant James Turk wasn't much impressed by today's attack on gold and silver. The silver supply, Turk says, is in fact tighter than ever and today's attack will only remove more real metal from the market. Excerpts from Turk's interview are headlined "Kamikaze Attacks in the Silver Market" and can be found at the King World News Internet site here:
Or try this abbreviated link:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

ADVERTISEMENT Sona Drills 85.4g Gold/Ton Over 4 Metres at Elizabeth Gold Deposit,
Extending the Mineralization of the Southwest Vein on the Property

Company Press Release, October 27, 2010
VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Sona Resources Corp. reports on five drillling holes in the third round of assay results from the recently completed drill program at its 100 percent-owned Elizabeth Gold Deposit Property in the Lillooet Mining District of southern British Columbia. Highlights from the diamond drilling include:
-- Hole E10-66 intersected 17.4g gold/ton over 1.54 metres.
-- Hole E10-67 intersected 96.4g gold/ton over 2.5 metres, including one assay interval of 383g of gold/ton over 0.5 metres.
-- Hole E10-69 intersected 85.4g gold/ton over 4.03 metres, including one assay interval of 230g gold/ton over 1 metre.
Four drill holes, E10-66 to E10-69, targeted the southwestern end of the Southwest Vein, and three of the holes have expanded the mineralized zone in that direction. The Southwest Vein gold mineralization has now been intersected over a strike length of 325 metres, with the deepest hole drilled less than 200 metres from surface.
"The assay results from the Southwest Zone quartz vein continue to be extremely positive," says John P. Thompson, Sona's president and CEO. "We are expanding the Southwest Vein, and this high-grade gold mineralization remains wide open down dip and along strike to the southwest."
For the company's full press release, please visit:

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Or a colorful poster of GATA's full-page ad in The Wall Street Journal on January 31, 2009:
Or a video disc of GATA's 2005 Gold Rush 21 conference in the Yukon:
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GATA is a civil rights and educational organization based in the United States and tax-exempt under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Its e-mail dispatches are free, and you can subscribe at:
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ADVERTISEMENT Prophecy Receives Permit To Mine at Ulaan Ovoo in Mongolia
VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Prophecy Resource Corp. (TSX-V:PCY, OTCQX: PRPCF, Frankfurt: 1P2) announces that on November 9, 2010, it received the final permit to commence mining operations at its Ulaan Ovoo coal project in Mongolia. Prophecy is one of few international mining companies to achieve such a milestone. The mine is production-ready, with a mine opening ceremony scheduled for November 20.
Prophecy CEO John Lee said: "I thank the government of Mongolia for the expeditious way this permit was issued. The opening of Ulaan Ovoo is a testament to the industrious and skilled workforce in Mongolia. Prophecy directly and indirectly (through Leighton Asia) employs more than 65 competent Mongolian nationals and four expatriots. The company also reaffirms its commitment to deliver coal to the local Edernet and Darkhan powerplants in Mongolia."
The Ulaan Ovoo open pit mine is 10 kilometers from the Russian border and within 120km of the Nauski TransSiberian railway station, enabling transportation of coal to Russia and its eastern seaports. Thermal coal prices are trading at two-year highs at Russian seaports due to strong demand from Asian economies.
For the complete press release, please visit:

No inflation? Tell it to your Thanksgiving turkey

ADVERTISEMENT Prophecy Receives Permit To Mine at Ulaan Ovoo in Mongolia
VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Prophecy Resource Corp. (TSX-V:PCY, OTCQX: PRPCF, Frankfurt: 1P2) announces that on November 9, 2010, it received the final permit to commence mining operations at its Ulaan Ovoo coal project in Mongolia. Prophecy is one of few international mining companies to achieve such a milestone. The mine is production-ready, with a mine opening ceremony scheduled for November 20.
Prophecy CEO John Lee said: "I thank the government of Mongolia for the expeditious way this permit was issued. The opening of Ulaan Ovoo is a testament to the industrious and skilled workforce in Mongolia. Prophecy directly and indirectly (through Leighton Asia) employs more than 65 competent Mongolian nationals and four expatriots. The company also reaffirms its commitment to deliver coal to the local Edernet and Darkhan power plants in Mongolia."
The Ulaan Ovoo open pit mine is 10 kilometers from the Russian border and within 120km of the Nauski TransSiberian railway station, enabling transportation of coal to Russia and its eastern seaports. Thermal coal prices are trading at two-year highs at Russian seaports due to strong demand from Asian economies.
For the complete press release, please visit:

"The fundamental reason why you're seeing record-high turkey prices is the fact we’re seeing record-high costs of raising turkeys," said Tom Elam, president of FarmEcon LLC, an agriculture and food-industry consultant in Carmel, Indiana. "When both stocks are down and production is down, then you get a double hit on the amount available to be consumed." Retailers in the U.S. sold whole frozen turkeys for an average of $1.57 a pound in September, up 7.7 percent from a year earlier and the highest level since at least 1980, the Labor Department said on Oct. 15.
While those government statistics don't capture the holiday discounting by grocers this month, retail prices probably will be up 20 percent from Thanksgiving last year, said FarmEcon's Elam.
The birds are traditionally the main course for meals on Thanksgiving, an annual holiday that Americans will celebrate on Nov. 25 this year. Stores usually cut prices to spur sales on accompanying items for the holiday dinner including cranberry sauce, green beans, or stuffing mix, Elam said. Retail prices, even with specials, will be higher this year, he said.
Last year, Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world's largest retailer, cut prices on turkeys, selling whole 12-pound (5.4 kilogram) turkeys for 40 cents a pound. That level of pricing probably won’t be around this year, Elam said.
Bentonville, Arkansas-based Wal-Mart won't disclose its turkey pricing until Nov. 17, Melissa Hill, a company spokeswoman, said in an e-mail.
Some retailers probably are going to lose money because customers still expect discounts, Whitman said.
"Retailers stand the very real possibility of losing more money than last year due to high wholesale prices," Whitman said. "The consumer has really come to expect low-price turkeys even during the most popular time of year for it."
Most grocers secure their supply in February and March, and they had an incentive to do that this year because stockpiles were expected to be tight by November, Elam said. For those who didn’t buy early or need more now, they will be forced to pay "top dollar" to preserve customer loyalty by making sure there is enough turkey at Thanksgiving, Whitman said.
"There'll be enough to go around," said Kelly Zering, associate professor and extension specialist in the department of agricultural and resource economics at North Carolina State University in Raleigh. "It might be that if you wait until the last minute, you might have fewer to choose from than you had last year."
Per-capita consumption will be 16.2 pounds this year, the lowest level since 1988, according to the USDA. That is down from 16.9 pounds in 2009. The main reason for the decline is lower turkey output, said David Harvey, a USDA agricultural economist in Washington. Record grain prices in 2008 led some producers to reduce their flocks, he said.
The U.S. corn crop will be 1 percent smaller than forecast a month ago, the Department of Agriculture said on Nov. 9, after flooding in June and hot, dry weather in August lowered Midwest yields. Feed is about 25 percent of the retail cost of turkeys, Elam said.
Turkey producers have seen their profits dwindle after the jump in feed costs, and some may lose money during a seasonal drop in demand in January, Elam said. Some may trim or abandon plans to expand, he said.

* * *

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Or a video disc of GATA's 2005 Gold Rush 21 conference in the Yukon:
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GATA is a civil rights and educational organization based in the United States and tax-exempt under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Its e-mail dispatches are free, and you can subscribe at:
To contribute to GATA, please visit:

ADVERTISEMENT Sona Drills 85.4g Gold/Ton Over 4 Metres at Elizabeth Gold Deposit,
Extending the Mineralization of the Southwest Vein on the Property

Company Press Release, October 27, 2010
VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Sona Resources Corp. reports on five drillling holes in the third round of assay results from the recently completed drill program at its 100 percent-owned Elizabeth Gold Deposit Property in the Lillooet Mining District of southern British Columbia. Highlights from the diamond drilling include:
-- Hole E10-66 intersected 17.4g gold/ton over 1.54 metres.
-- Hole E10-67 intersected 96.4g gold/ton over 2.5 metres, including one assay interval of 383g of gold/ton over 0.5 metres.
-- Hole E10-69 intersected 85.4g gold/ton over 4.03 metres, including one assay interval of 230g gold/ton over 1 metre.
Four drill holes, E10-66 to E10-69, targeted the southwestern end of the Southwest Vein, and three of the holes have expanded the mineralized zone in that direction. The Southwest Vein gold mineralization has now been intersected over a strike length of 325 metres, with the deepest hole drilled less than 200 metres from surface. "The assay results from the Southwest Zone quartz vein continue to be extremely positive," says John P. Thompson, Sona's president and CEO. "We are expanding the Southwest Vein, and this high-grade gold mineralization remains wide open down dip and along strike to the southwest."

Crash Morgan by buying silver, Max Keiser says

ADVERTISEMENT Sona Drills 85.4g Gold/Ton Over 4 Metres at Elizabeth Gold Deposit,
Extending the Mineralization of the Southwest Vein on the Property

Company Press Release, October 27, 2010
VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Sona Resources Corp. reports on five drillling holes in the third round of assay results from the recently completed drill program at its 100 percent-owned Elizabeth Gold Deposit Property in the Lillooet Mining District of southern British Columbia. Highlights from the diamond drilling include:
-- Hole E10-66 intersected 17.4g gold/ton over 1.54 metres.
-- Hole E10-67 intersected 96.4g gold/ton over 2.5 metres, including one assay interval of 383g of gold/ton over 0.5 metres.
-- Hole E10-69 intersected 85.4g gold/ton over 4.03 metres, including one assay interval of 230g gold/ton over 1 metre.
Four drill holes, E10-66 to E10-69, targeted the southwestern end of the Southwest Vein, and three of the holes have expanded the mineralized zone in that direction. The Southwest Vein gold mineralization has now been intersected over a strike length of 325 metres, with the deepest hole drilled less than 200 metres from surface.
"The assay results from the Southwest Zone quartz vein continue to be extremely positive," says John P. Thompson, Sona's president and CEO. "We are expanding the Southwest Vein, and this high-grade gold mineralization remains wide open down dip and along strike to the southwest."
For the company's full press release, please visit:

Support GATA by purchasing a colorful GATA T-shirt:
Or a colorful poster of GATA's full-page ad in The Wall Street Journal on January 31, 2009:
Or a video disc of GATA's 2005 Gold Rush 21 conference in the Yukon:
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Help keep GATA going
GATA is a civil rights and educational organization based in the United States and tax-exempt under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Its e-mail dispatches are free, and you can subscribe at:
To contribute to GATA, please visit:

ADVERTISEMENT Prophecy Receives Permit To Mine at Ulaan Ovoo in Mongolia
VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Prophecy Resource Corp. (TSX-V:PCY, OTCQX: PRPCF, Frankfurt: 1P2) announces that on November 9, 2010, it received the final permit to commence mining operations at its Ulaan Ovoo coal project in Mongolia. Prophecy is one of few international mining companies to achieve such a milestone. The mine is production-ready, with a mine opening ceremony scheduled for November 20.
Prophecy CEO John Lee said: "I thank the government of Mongolia for the expeditious way this permit was issued. The opening of Ulaan Ovoo is a testament to the industrious and skilled workforce in Mongolia. Prophecy directly and indirectly (through Leighton Asia) employs more than 65 competent Mongolian nationals and four expatriots. The company also reaffirms its commitment to deliver coal to the local Edernet and Darkhan powerplants in Mongolia."
The Ulaan Ovoo open pit mine is 10 kilometers from the Russian border and within 120km of the Nauski TransSiberian railway station, enabling transportation of coal to Russia and its eastern seaports. Thermal coal prices are trading at two-year highs at Russian seaports due to strong demand from Asian economies.
For the complete press release, please visit:

Hypocritical U.S. is tops at currency manipulation

By Aaron Task
Tech Ticker
Yahoo Finance
Friday, November 12, 2010
After the G20 failed to reach any consensus on currency issues and trade imbalances, President Obama took a direct shot at China Friday, saying the renminbi "is undervalued ... and China spends enormous amounts of money intervening in the market to keep it undervalued."
The president's comments cap (at least for now) a period of extraordinary public debate among politicians and policymakers -- past and present -- over currencies and the Fed's QE2 program.
... Dispatch continues below ...

ADVERTISEMENT Prophecy Receives Permit To Mine at Ulaan Ovoo in Mongolia
VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Prophecy Resource Corp. (TSX-V:PCY, OTCQX: PRPCF, Frankfurt: 1P2) announces that on November 9, 2010, it received the final permit to commence mining operations at its Ulaan Ovoo coal project in Mongolia. Prophecy is one of few international mining companies to achieve such a milestone. The mine is production-ready, with a mine opening ceremony scheduled for November 20.
Prophecy CEO John Lee said: "I thank the government of Mongolia for the expeditious way this permit was issued. The opening of Ulaan Ovoo is a testament to the industrious and skilled workforce in Mongolia. Prophecy directly and indirectly (through Leighton Asia) employs more than 65 competent Mongolian nationals and four expatriots. The company also reaffirms its commitment to deliver coal to the local Edernet and Darkhan power plants in Mongolia."
The Ulaan Ovoo open pit mine is 10 kilometers from the Russian border and within 120km of the Nauski TransSiberian railway station, enabling transportation of coal to Russia and its eastern seaports. Thermal coal prices are trading at two-year highs at Russian seaports due to strong demand from Asian economies.
For the complete press release, please visit:

Ahead of the G20 confab, Germany's finance minister, Wolfgang Schauble called U.S. policy "clueless," while foreign ministers from China, South Africa and France (among others) questioned the wisdom of QE2. Adding insult to irony, former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan piled on in The FT, where he warned the U.S. is "pursuing a policy of currency weakening." That in turn, prompted a sharp rebuke from Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, who told CNBC: "We will never seek to weaken our currency as a tool to gain competitive advantage or to grow the economy."
Michael Pento, senior economist at Euro Pacific Capital, says the U.S. doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to discussions about currencies, calling Alan Greenspan's comments the "height of irony and hypocrisy," given his easy-money policies at the Fed.
"The U.S. is the No. 1 currency manipulator on the planet," he says. "We print up a lot of dollars" and "we can consume more than we produce because of that."
But that policy makes for a "chronically weak" dollar and puts America at the mercy of its foreign creditors, Pento says, restating a warning about the risks of a true dollar crash and skyrocketing interest rates if we don't change course, soon.
It won't happen overnight, but China is plotting its own exit strategy by slowing rolling its Treasury holdings into the short end of the curve, he says, suggesting other foreign investors will follow suit.
"The credibility of this country is falling faster than the dollar," Pento says. "One day you'll have a Treasury auction without indirect bidders and only Ben Bernanke" will want to buy U.S. debt, he says.
To avoid such a "watershed event," Pento recommends we adopt the bulk of the deficit commission's recommendations, as detailed here. He also wants a return to the gold standard, a controversial idea World Bank President Robert Zoellick broached this week.
Going back to the gold standard "would be painful" and even lead to a depression in the near term, Pento concedes. But "all the imbalances would be reconciled and we can start over again with a real economy."

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Or a colorful poster of GATA's full-page ad in The Wall Street Journal on January 31, 2009:
Or a video disc of GATA's 2005 Gold Rush 21 conference in the Yukon:
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GATA is a civil rights and educational organization based in the United States and tax-exempt under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Its e-mail dispatches are free, and you can subscribe at:
To contribute to GATA, please visit:

ADVERTISEMENT Sona Drills 85.4g Gold/Ton Over 4 Metres at Elizabeth Gold Deposit,
Extending the Mineralization of the Southwest Vein on the Property

Company Press Release, October 27, 2010
VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Sona Resources Corp. reports on five drillling holes in the third round of assay results from the recently completed drill program at its 100 percent-owned Elizabeth Gold Deposit Property in the Lillooet Mining District of southern British Columbia. Highlights from the diamond drilling include:
-- Hole E10-66 intersected 17.4g gold/ton over 1.54 metres.
-- Hole E10-67 intersected 96.4g gold/ton over 2.5 metres, including one assay interval of 383g of gold/ton over 0.5 metres.
-- Hole E10-69 intersected 85.4g gold/ton over 4.03 metres, including one assay interval of 230g gold/ton over 1 metre.
Four drill holes, E10-66 to E10-69, targeted the southwestern end of the Southwest Vein, and three of the holes have expanded the mineralized zone in that direction. The Southwest Vein gold mineralization has now been intersected over a strike length of 325 metres, with the deepest hole drilled less than 200 metres from surface. "The assay results from the Southwest Zone quartz vein continue to be extremely positive," says John P. Thompson, Sona's president and CEO. "We are expanding the Southwest Vein, and this high-grade gold mineralization remains wide open down dip and along strike to the southwest."
For the company's full press release, please visit:

GoldMoney's James Turk interviews David Morgan on the new silver market

Section: Daily Dispatches
7:30p ET Thursday, November 11, 2010
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
At the Edelmetallmesse precious metals conference in Munich last week, GoldMoney founder and GATA consultant James Turk interviewed's David Morgan about the transformation of the silver market over the last year. The interview is about 18 minutes long and you can both watch it and read a transcript of it at the GoldMoney Internet site here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

ADVERTISEMENT Sona Drills 85.4g Gold/Ton Over 4 Metres at Elizabeth Gold Deposit,
Extending the Mineralization of the Southwest Vein on the Property

Company Press Release, October 27, 2010
VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Sona Resources Corp. reports on five drillling holes in the third round of assay results from the recently completed drill program at its 100 percent-owned Elizabeth Gold Deposit Property in the Lillooet Mining District of southern British Columbia. Highlights from the diamond drilling include:
-- Hole E10-66 intersected 17.4g gold/ton over 1.54 metres.
-- Hole E10-67 intersected 96.4g gold/ton over 2.5 metres, including one assay interval of 383g of gold/ton over 0.5 metres.
-- Hole E10-69 intersected 85.4g gold/ton over 4.03 metres, including one assay interval of 230g gold/ton over 1 metre.
Four drill holes, E10-66 to E10-69, targeted the southwestern end of the Southwest Vein, and three of the holes have expanded the mineralized zone in that direction. The Southwest Vein gold mineralization has now been intersected over a strike length of 325 metres, with the deepest hole drilled less than 200 metres from surface.
"The assay results from the Southwest Zone quartz vein continue to be extremely positive," says John P. Thompson, Sona's president and CEO. "We are expanding the Southwest Vein, and this high-grade gold mineralization remains wide open down dip and along strike to the southwest."
For the company's full press release, please visit:

Support GATA by purchasing a colorful GATA T-shirt:
Or a colorful poster of GATA's full-page ad in The Wall Street Journal on January 31, 2009:
Or a video disc of GATA's 2005 Gold Rush 21 conference in the Yukon:
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Help keep GATA going
GATA is a civil rights and educational organization based in the United States and tax-exempt under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Its e-mail dispatches are free, and you can subscribe at:
To contribute to GATA, please visit:

ADVERTISEMENT Prophecy Receives Permit To Mine at Ulaan Ovoo in Mongolia
VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Prophecy Resource Corp. (TSX-V:PCY, OTCQX: PRPCF, Frankfurt: 1P2) announces that on November 9, 2010, it received the final permit to commence mining operations at its Ulaan Ovoo coal project in Mongolia. Prophecy is one of few international mining companies to achieve such a milestone. The mine is production-ready, with a mine opening ceremony scheduled for November 20.
Prophecy CEO John Lee said: "I thank the government of Mongolia for the expeditious way this permit was issued. The opening of Ulaan Ovoo is a testament to the industrious and skilled workforce in Mongolia. Prophecy directly and indirectly (through Leighton Asia) employs more than 65 competent Mongolian nationals and four expatriots. The company also reaffirms its commitment to deliver coal to the local Edernet and Darkhan powerplants in Mongolia."
The Ulaan Ovoo open pit mine is 10 kilometers from the Russian border and within 120km of the Nauski TransSiberian railway station, enabling transportation of coal to Russia and its eastern seaports. Thermal coal prices are trading at two-year highs at Russian seaports due to strong demand from Asian economies.
For the complete press release, please visit:

Law firm Girard Gibbs wants to join silver manipulation class action pig pile

Company Press Release via Business Wire
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Girard Gibbs LLP Investigates J.P. Morgan, HSBC for Violations of Antitrust Laws in Silver Futures Trading
Lawsuits Allege that the Banks Manipulated Prices of Silver on the COMEX Exchange
SAN FRANCISCO -- Girard Gibbs LLP ( is investigating allegations that J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and HSBC violated federal laws by conspiring to lower the price of silver futures and options contracts. The banks are accused of accumulating heavily concentrated positions in silver futures and options on the Commodity Exchange Inc. (COMEX), beginning in early 2008.
Lawsuits have been filed against HSBC and J.P. Morgan Chase & Co, alleging that the banks manipulated the prices of COMEX silver futures by building up large short positions in silver futures contracts they had no intent to fill, in order to force silver prices down at a time when silver should have been trading at higher levels.
... Dispatch continues below ...

ADVERTISEMENT Prophecy Receives Permit To Mine at Ulaan Ovoo in Mongolia
VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Prophecy Resource Corp. (TSX-V:PCY, OTCQX: PRPCF, Frankfurt: 1P2) announces that on November 9, 2010, it received the final permit to commence mining operations at its Ulaan Ovoo coal project in Mongolia. Prophecy is one of few international mining companies to achieve such a milestone. The mine is production-ready, with a mine opening ceremony scheduled for November 20.
Prophecy CEO John Lee said: "I thank the government of Mongolia for the expeditious way this permit was issued. The opening of Ulaan Ovoo is a testament to the industrious and skilled workforce in Mongolia. Prophecy directly and indirectly (through Leighton Asia) employs more than 65 competent Mongolian nationals and four expatriots. The company also reaffirms its commitment to deliver coal to the local Edernet and Darkhan power plants in Mongolia."
The Ulaan Ovoo open pit mine is 10 kilometers from the Russian border and within 120km of the Nauski TransSiberian railway station, enabling transportation of coal to Russia and its eastern seaports. Thermal coal prices are trading at two-year highs at Russian seaports due to strong demand from Asian economies.
For the complete press release, please visit:

The banks' actions are being investigated by the U.S. Department of Justice as well as the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). On October 26, 2010, CFTC Commissioner Bart Chilton issued a statement, saying: "[I] believe violations to the Commodity Exchange Act have taken place in silver markets and that any such violation of the law in this regard should be prosecuted."
If you bought or sold COMEX silver futures since March 1, 2008, Girard Gibbs is interested in speaking to you. If you wish to discuss our investigation or have any questions concerning your rights in this case, please contact attorney Elizabeth Pritzker ( at Girard Gibbs LLP or call us at 866-981-4800.
Girard Gibbs LLP, with offices in San Francisco and New York, is one of the nation's leading law firms in prosecuting class actions and other lawsuits on behalf of consumers and investors.

* * *

Support GATA by purchasing a colorful GATA T-shirt:
Or a colorful poster of GATA's full-page ad in The Wall Street Journal on January 31, 2009:
Or a video disc of GATA's 2005 Gold Rush 21 conference in the Yukon:
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Help keep GATA going
GATA is a civil rights and educational organization based in the United States and tax-exempt under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Its e-mail dispatches are free, and you can subscribe at:
To contribute to GATA, please visit:

ADVERTISEMENT Sona Drills 85.4g Gold/Ton Over 4 Metres at Elizabeth Gold Deposit,
Extending the Mineralization of the Southwest Vein on the Property

Company Press Release, October 27, 2010
VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Sona Resources Corp. reports on five drillling holes in the third round of assay results from the recently completed drill program at its 100 percent-owned Elizabeth Gold Deposit Property in the Lillooet Mining District of southern British Columbia. Highlights from the diamond drilling include:
-- Hole E10-66 intersected 17.4g gold/ton over 1.54 metres.
-- Hole E10-67 intersected 96.4g gold/ton over 2.5 metres, including one assay interval of 383g of gold/ton over 0.5 metres.
-- Hole E10-69 intersected 85.4g gold/ton over 4.03 metres, including one assay interval of 230g gold/ton over 1 metre.
Four drill holes, E10-66 to E10-69, targeted the southwestern end of the Southwest Vein, and three of the holes have expanded the mineralized zone in that direction. The Southwest Vein gold mineralization has now been intersected over a strike length of 325 metres, with the deepest hole drilled less than 200 metres from surface. "The assay results from the Southwest Zone quartz vein continue to be extremely positive," says John P. Thompson, Sona's president and CEO. "We are expanding the Southwest Vein, and this high-grade gold mineralization remains wide open down dip and along strike to the southwest."
For the company's full press release, please visit:

The Spot Gold Price Today


The gold price can vary widely in the spot gold market. The gold price is shown below in troy ounces. 1 troy ounce = 31.1034768 grams. With some fortunate timing RunToGold readers have been lead during this latest gold upleg to tremendous profits over 25% and I remain extremely fond of the Ancient Metal of Kings. The 200DMA is the 200 day moving average. The Relative number is the current price divided by the 200DMA. This shows whether the metals are cheap, average value, expensive or really expensive. The goal is to buy low and sell high.

GOLD PRICES DATA gold prices are provided by a data feed from GoldMoney.
The gold price is sometimes referred to as world gold price, New York gold price, London Metal Exchange gold price, spot gold price, market gold price and gold bullion price. These gold prices are indications of the current trading gold prices for one troy ounce of gold on world gold exchanges.
The gold price used in the gold price charts on Run To Gold are the 24 hour Spot Gold Bid Price which are discovered in New York, London, Hong Kong and Sydney. These gold prices are quoted in Federal Reserve Note dollars (FRN$). Throughout the world the gold prices are often displayed in currencies other than the FRN$ and are converted into the local currency.
Like all gold prices, the current gold price reflects the inherent value of gold and the relative strength of the underlying fiat currency. For example, the FRN$ price of gold may increase more in percentage terms than gold priced in Euros. The reason would be that the change in gold prices is a reflection of FRN$ weakness against the Euro and would not be the result of the change in the intrinsic value of gold based on the gold market fundamentals.
Run To Gold gold price charts are updated every 1 minute for both the live gold price charts and the moving averages. The 50 day and 200 day moving average gold prices are the sum of the average gold prices for the most recent 50 or 200 trading days.


The monetary metals of gold, silver and platinum are a great way to store wealth and can be used to perform accurate metal calculations of value using tools like the