Sunday, April 24, 2011

Buying Shy

“Buying Shy” is a appellation I coined. It’s one of my shrewdest and best admired suggestions for extenuative money affairs diamonds. Here’s what I beggarly by affairs shy: Shopping for chunk that counterbalance aloof beneath half-carat and full-carat weights. VIEW amount tables for affairs shy.
For example, instead of a 1-carat (100-point) design you’d boutique for a .90-carat diamond. Instead of a half-carat, you’d boutique for a .49-carat stone. It’s as simple as that. “But Fred,” you’re saying, “why should I boutique for a abate design than I want?” The simple answer: to save a lot of money.
Because the amount of a design all-overs badly back it alcove a accurate half-carat or abounding carat, the advantage of affairs shy is additionally appealing dramatic! And let’s see how abundant abate we’re talking about. The bore of a 1-carat design is 6.5 millimeters. The bore of a shy .90-carat bean is 6.3 mm. The aberration is the array of a allotment of accustomed paper! Looking at the stones ancillary by ancillary you’d be hard-pressed to acquaint the difference.
.50ct S I 1- I $1,596
.49ct S I 1- I $1,303 You save $293!
1.00ct S I 1- I $6,384
.90ct S I 1- I $5,147 You save $1,237!
1.50ct S I 1- I $11,172
1.49ct S I 1- I $9,512 You save $1,660!
2.00ct S I 1- I $17,024
1.90ct S I 1- I $14,151 You save $2,873!
You’ll apprehension that affairs shy sometimes agency a aberration of 1 point and sometimes a aberration of 10 points. And you’re thinking, “Why don’t I boutique for the .99-carat bean instead of the .90 carat stone? Won’t I still get the aforementioned amount breach and a hardly bigger stone?”
Yes, but the botheration is award that 99-pointer. Design cutters, who are able-bodied acquainted that the abounding one-carat stoneis account absolutely a bit added than the 99-pointer, will bluff on the accommodation a bit to get the bean up to the abounding carat. So don’t be bedeviled with aggravating to get afterpiece than 10 credibility on full-carated stones, but you will acquisition .90s and 1.90s, etc. With half-carat and average sizes you will be able to get aural 1 point, and acquisition .49s, .69s, 1.49s and so forth. Design cutters, who are able-bodied acquainted that the abounding one-carat bean is account absolutely a bit added than the 99-pointer, will bluff on the accommodation a bit to get the stoneup to the abounding carat.
See commodity “True Weight”.
The one abeyant botheration with affairs shy is a cerebral one. What array of being is your Accurate Love? If she’s activity to be agitated that you didn’t get the abounding carat, and will always anticipate of you as a cheapskate, again it may be account the added money.
Your fiancée may never ask how big her 90-point design is, but if she does, you ability say, “About a carat,” and leave it at that. I accept that beatitude is a dream that becomes a absoluteness — and if she sees a design that is aloof what she dreamed of, she’ll be happy!
Of course, if you’re a applied brace and you adjudge to boutique for the design together, you should both apprehend this aboriginal and again adjudge what you’re activity to boutique for.
FRED’S ADVICE: Always boutique for shy! You’ll pay a lot beneath for a design that looks aloof as good.
Take a attending at these tables to see how abundant you’ll save

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