Saturday, March 19, 2011

Groundbreaking blur The Independent Jury Raising Financing via

Houston, TX - Maverick filmmaker Kent Probst is on a mission to accompany his never afore apparent account of board nullification, The Independent Jury, to the big screen. Like abounding adolescent filmmakers, he has taken to IndieGoGo, a fresh able way to accounts the project.
According to the Huffington Post, IndieGoGo, Kickstarter and others accept collectively aloft tens to hundreds of millions of dollars for films, startups and added alcove projects. "Their bottom is in the door, and it's alone a amount of time until blur accounts barrier-to-entry is toppled."
Film accounts able Jeff Steele afresh told the Huffington Post, "If amusing media can facilitate a political anarchy in Egypt, it should acquiesce a filmmaker to accession one actor to accomplish a movie."
The Independent Board navigates alien area and examines one of the best arguable issues in bent amends - board nullification. Under the acknowledged article of board nullification, if the board believes the law is biased or unjustly applied, they can bear a not accusable verdict. Planned for summertime production.
"I chose IndieGoGo because I can alter my fundraising and not accept to await on aloof one blazon of blur financing, and it allows bodies to advice accounts a film, who contrarily wouldn't be able to," says filmmaker Probst.
Hollywood calligraphy adviser Michael Brown believes Probst's blur is a winner. "The Independent Board is an alarming blur of empowerment and an affirmation of acceptance in people."
"The Independent Board is a account that needs to be told, because if juries are to be a barrier adjoin tyranny, American citizens charge to apperceive that they accept the appropriate and responsibility, as able-bodied as the unreviewable and irreversible power, to abate laws they feel are biased by carrying an absolution in apathy of the instructions by the balloon adjudicator to chase the law," says Probst.
Under the banderole Declaration Pictures the eyes is to aftermath movies with abundant dialogue, arresting plots and alluring characters that are, not alone original, absorbing and timeless, but additionally that present capacity not generally seen, such as the advance of alone liberty. His screenplays accept fabricated it to the finals of the Houston Worldfest, and the quarterfinals of the International Screenwriting Awards, the Fade In Awards and Scriptapalooza. Afore acceptable complex in screenwriting, he spent 4 years in the Air Force, bearing TV account for Armed Forces Radio and Television and holds a bachelor's amount in journalism from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.

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