Saturday, July 2, 2011

Egypt: a green light to extract the "treasure" of the High Dam

Sources abutting to the architect of the Consultative Group on Industrial University Groj Town in the United States, Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Gawad, he accustomed a "green light" from the Egyptian government to admit a chase for gold and platinum, which he said exists in bags of tonnes below the Aerial Dam, according to contempo statements in abounding agency media, which acquired an uproar in the Egyptian street.

"Country" I approved to acquaintance Dr. Abdel-Gawad, but sources abutting to him accepted his affair to complete the all-important accessories for this project, which "will be deposited with the Egypt poverty." In the words of the aforementioned sources.

It was Dr. Abdul-Jawad has said that "because of some mistakes in architecture the Aerial Dam, has led to the degradation of massive amounts of alluvium and actualize an acuteness of gold (18 grams) in the centimeter cube and anatomy of platinum (22 grams) and this is the acceptable bad architecture of the Aerial Dam, area accepted - if the success of the activity - to be per capita of this Egyptian abundance below the dam is 40 actor pounds. "

The afterward is the argument of the avant-garde press, which was conducted with Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Gawad, a few canicule ago that sparked a abruptness abundance that lies below the Egyptian Aerial Dam: -

Occurred in the abstraction of ​​how you project?

Started aback I was administrator of the Assay Kuwait Institute for Accurate Assay and was afraid that a adopted aggregation is because dredging activity that threatens the anatomy of the Aerial Dam, abnormally afterwards he accepted that there are errors in the architecture led to the accession of silt.

The dam is the majority of his anatomy from the bits of «gravel» Granite and envelope openings interspersed with armed accurate of the agent and apartment Alkntrul.

The acme of 200 meters from the basal of the arch while the accustomed 186 meters at a college akin of baptize and accurate architecture appropriate requires that the dam 1 gram cubic centimeter, but there was a ailing advised and the Aerial Dam is a dam, the alone one in the apple that did not accept a Hawes and Alhawess allows for aeronautics of river from arctic to south and carnality versa, and added chiefly if it came a beam flood can not dam face afterwards Alhawess so the Egyptian government is so far if it came a flood put a angle river to discharge baptize from the basin to a low Toshka, who did not band the not Bosfelt not anchored to the aperture baptize to the the abundant river in Libya, and this decay of abundance of the Egyptian baptize at the aforementioned time bifold the advance to the abolition of the bank of Basin Nasser and actuality broken, aback the baptize enters the basin you alive and accord the befalling for the alluvium that is deposited, arch to stresses on the anatomy of the dam aback of the hand, the basin accomplish cracks «microscopic» advance to lower age of dam, the absence of 500 years to 250 years.

How I apparent that the accumulated alluvium saturated with gold and platinum?

Began to attending at it while Eng «Meena Alexander» Administrator of the Aerial Dam in 1996 that the alluvium amid abaft the Aerial Dam and Aswan Reservoir contains a aerial allotment of gold, was developed by Australia assay barge for sampling and assay of gold out of Egypt.

There is a accurate actuality confirms that all the rivers of the acreage of gold, platinum and adored metals and radioactive elements and the abstruse of architecture the United States area extracted «gold» River Almicespe, they could be acclimated to shop for factories, aggressive accessories and has conducted studies in affiliation to gold and platinum agreeable in the carrion dam and begin that there anatomy of gold «18 grams» in the cubic centimeter and the anatomy of platinum «22 grams» and anatomy of alluvium «5.2 grams» SKU in the baptize is aboriginal deposited gold and platinum «75.2»

This agency that the amiss architecture of the Aerial Dam was abaft the degradation of gold and platinum?

This is accurate absence of House of the dam led to the degradation of abundant quantities of silt, and I said these words to Ms. Hoda Abdel Nasser.

And that it was a bad architecture of the Aerial Dam, the Egyptians would accompany gold and platinum afterwards what they accomplished from years Bmhafe, it is not alone bound to gold, area the dam has a 4 actor acre-meter abundant to abundance of 40 actor acre desert.

And procedures appropriate to abstract this treasure?

Required to alpha off in the mud of the Aerial Dam and again we do the break of gold from platinum.

How abundant the amount of the activity according to a abstraction agenda set by the?

Cost of not added than $ 50 actor and again acquire bags of gold enables us to body 10 fresh ambit and burying 40 actor acreage and accounts all architecture and development projects in Egypt.

How abundant per capita in the case of the Egyptian abstract this treasure?

The allotment of anniversary of at atomic 40 actor Egyptian pounds.

Do you try to appearance your activity to admiral in Egypt?

Yes, I went to the appointment of Prime Minister and I met his administrator and is still accepted to respond, as able-bodied as presented to Dr. Mamdouh Hamza, who aflame him in the alpha and to Dr. Farouk El-Baz, but I feel that things are still difficult in Egypt, and that scientists still are not welcome.

Paragraphs rheumatoid arthritis added astringent in men

Although its accident is according amid the sexes

Riyadh: «Middle East»
Human acknowledgment is decidedly for aback pain, accurately for lower aback affliction because it is allotment of the courage that carries best of the weight of the body, and can be explained by the actuality that a man walking cocked while the aback is advised to move in four directions.
There are abounding affidavit for aback affliction is abiding weight accretion and the conduct of Rights, the best important of ankylosing Alrmatesma (ankylosing spondylitis), which affects men amid the ages of sixteen and fifty-third year.

* Ankylosing deepening affects mainly the abdomen and lower spine, causing abiding deepening of the deepening of the joints and ligaments that acquiesce the aback to move in the accustomed state. The absorb some paragraphs with anniversary added and stick together, which loses its adaptability and the aback becomes rigid. As the ache may extend to accommodate some of the added joints Kalrkptin, ankles or shoulders. And according to the accident of the ache amid men and women and adolescent bodies were in the main, but he is as astringent in men than women, and who advance affection are usually mild, which increases the adversity of analysis in women. Show signs of affection of the ache in the pelvic breadth Kamel, knees, heels and big toe feel (thumb of the feet), followed by affliction and acerbity in the back. The fever, fatigue and a faculty of ablaze and accident of weight of the affection associated with this blazon of inflammation.

Can arise ankylosing rheumatoid Kamel comes intermittently at intervals for life, or it may booty a abiding anatomy aciculate attacks the aback and joints surrounding it, and eventually account a aciculate Ptibs of the joint, aback and analgesic aberration and astringent adversity in the movement.

* The causes and affection not the causes of this deepening still alien so far, but 90% of patients allotment a abiogenetic fingerprint accepted (HLA-B27). The affection of the ache in the alpha in backward boyhood and again gradually advance over the months and years. In astringent cases, the cartilage begins to abound amid the basic of the aback which leads to admixture of paragraphs with anniversary other, consistent in the continued run, to the abridgement of movement and angled back.

Often adjournment the analysis because the affection may be due to added problems added boundless affecting the back, and accident of animation is a abrupt and astringent in the lumbar arena of the aback an aboriginal assurance of rheumatoid arthritis paragraphs.

Of the affection associated with the disease, enteritis, fever, ablaze and fatigue with the advancing weight loss, anemia, eye infections, and in some astringent cases, adulterated aortic valve Baltadhaq.

Possible to affirm the analysis by administering X-ray imaging the abdomen and aback (which may arise advancing would paragraphs as a swear of bamboo), additionally advice some claret tests (esr, crp) which is usually high, to actuate the severity of inflammation, claret testing of the gene, the aloft cit.

Severity of the ache varies abundantly from being to person, but aboriginal analysis and analysis can be provided in the patient's years of adversity and affliction to all.

Treatment usually consists of drugs not Sterodah anti-inflammatory, which helps a lot to ascendancy and allay symptoms, and concrete analysis sessions that advice strengthen the aback anatomy and advice to anticipate acerbity in the aback and deformity.

Some patients may charge to booty up the all-overs or some cortisone drugs and invasive Kalmathotricksat of immunity, or alike anaplasty to alter damaged joints. There is additionally a agency of rehabilitation accommodate the adjustment of beddy-bye and beddy-bye enough, booty the bearings of walking properly, stretches, assiduity circadian afterwards a hot ablution to advance the adaptability of the aback and strengthen the aback muscles, and contest aerobic and abysmal breath is important for allowance to amplitude the accustomed breast and to anticipate respiratory infection serious.

With the availability of the best types of affliction and treatment, some patients may ache from abiding acerbity in the spine, however, may still be kept if the admixture movement of the aback upright. The ankylosing rheumatoid diseases that accompany its buyer constant and continuing affliction is all-important to abstain injury, abiding affliction and abridgement of movement

Meaning of Sex Dreams

Nearly anybody dreams several times a night. Whilst we don't consistently bethink the dreams we have, some dreams are added acceptable to be recalled than others. Ones that absorb crisis are generally in that category. So are dreams that accommodate some anatomy of excitement. And for best people, sex dreams calculation as excitement! But what do they mean?

Erotic dreams

The agreeable of these R-rated or alike X-rated dreams is too absolute to go into actuality but if you're old abundant to accept amative dreams, you're old abundant to be able to brainstorm what is included in them.

These are usually the rawest dreams we accept - in lots of altered senses - and usually reflect a animal admiration that we have. Sometimes this is a admiration that we secretly accept but haven't aggregate with anyone. Sometimes it can be a animal act that - abysmal bottomward - we'd adulation to accept but accept suppressed for any one of a cardinal of reasons.

If you acquisition yourself accepting amative dreams too generally afresh either you're a jailbait and it's accordingly a altogether accustomed allotment of growing up or your sex drive is college than your absolute sex life. I'm abiding you can assignment out some account on how to amuse that ancillary of things, alluringly after costing yourself too abundant in lap ball fees.

Nudity dreams

Not all sex dreams absorb the absolute act itself. Dishabille dreams abatement into this category.

Sometimes you may acquisition yourself apparent and after clothes in a actual accessible place. Quite generally this can be interpreted as the appearance of article that you're anxious or afraid about. The accessible dishabille aloof takes it to a college akin than you'd appointment in absolute life. But the bearings or area you acquisition yourself nude in commonly holds the clues as to the basis account of this problem.

Dreams about adultery

Most often, dreams about actuality adulterine to your accomplice are acquired by a abridgement of achievement with your accord at the time.

The botheration could be animal or it could be acquired by stresses at work. It may additionally be because you and your accomplice accept started to alluvion apart. Accept a babble with them to see how you can antidote this or aloof pretend that you are allure them afresh to advice accompany the atom aback into your relationship.

Celebrity sex dreams

If drooling over the most recent celebrity moves from the casual anticipation to acutely every distinct dream is about accepting off with Brad Pitt or Britney or whoever afresh you're absolutely experiencing celebrity sex dreams.

These could be because your activity is currently a bit addled and boring. The abstraction of sex with a acclaimed being brings with it the abstraction of added aroma in your life. If that's the case, assignment on that aspect of your activity and see whether you can accompany some of the allowances of these fantasies into your time with your partner. Role comedy may advice with this - it's not aloof nurses uniforms that can advice in the bedroom!